Jay Has Notes
Jay Has Notes
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Be seen, be heard and let your presence be known. ❤️

“Taking up space means finding the strength to believe that your voice is valid.” ~ Martha Tesema on “A Beginner's Guide to Taking Up Space.” via @theshineapp

Here’s a link to the full web article: https://advice.theshineapp.com/articles/a-beginners-guide-to-taking-up-space/

#TakeUpSpace #BeSeen #BeHeard #Sunday #Goals #LoveNote #LosAngeles #JayHasNotes


Have fun, love.

Stick to your plan. Stay consistent. Don’t get sidetracked by the bullsh*t. Don’t stress. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

#LoveNotes #Fun #NoStress #Consistent #Plan #Execute #inspiration

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This joy that I have…

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines joy as “a feeling of extreme gladness, delight, or exaltation of the spirit arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction.” According to Harvard Magazine, joy activates different systems than happiness does. Joy activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes feelings of peace and calm; while happiness activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is associated with excitement, energy, and activity. The experience of joy is associated with an increase in energy as well as an increase in confidence and self-esteem, according to the APA.

I’m not shitting on happiness, but joy can coexist with more negative emotions, such as disappointment and grief, while happiness is much harder to sustain in the presence of negative emotions. Psychologist George Vaillant describes this difference by saying, “Without the pain of farewell, there is no joy of reunion” and “Without the pain of captivity, we don’t experience the joy of freedom.”

Joy is special. Cultivate it, choose it and carry it with you everywhere every day. This joy that I have, a b*tch didn’t give it to me and a b* tch for damn sure can’t take it away. #Joy #Declaration #LoveNotes #ChooseJoy #JayHasNotes

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2021: Commit To Yourself



Listen, people are going to people. Especially, selfish people. Since we’re in the era of “challenges”, try this one. Take an inventory of the people who are always needing help with something. These are the people who refuse to Google basic things. Instead, they rather waste your time by texting and asking you the number to a business. Then, send a question mark after you don’t respond within two minutes. These are also the people who always need to “borrow” $40 on the same day of every month, but somehow forget to pay you back. The once borrowed forgotten $40 is now referred to as “them funky lil dollars”. These are the people who expect you to be there for you for every moment of their lives. They only talk to you when they need something. They always got drama. It’s always someone else’s fault. They are always late. They never tip service people. They are always empty handed. They are never ask if you need help. They rarely say “Thank You”. They never ask how you’re doing. It’s always about them. They rather you be inconvenienced, before them. They ALWAYS want your support, but has never lifted a finger for you. The list goes on and on and on. Now that you’ve identified those suckers, mark them. Deny their selfish needy asses. Restrict their access to you. Put you and your motherf*cking needs first, love. #Saturday #PSA #LoveNote #JayHasNotes #PutYourselffirst #SelfLove #Selfcare



“Hey Siri! Play B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe by Kendrick Lamar.”

A vibe is personal. You create it. You own it. It is your responsibility to maintain. You protect it. You get to choose what goal you desire to achieve with your vibe. Whether the goal is to relax, feel energized or euphoric...it’s your prerogative. Your vibe is invite-only. Be careful who you share it with. Be selective. Only invite those who respect the vibe to enjoy it. If by chance they lose respect for it, kill the b*tch before it kill the vibe. #Friday #TheWeekend #Vibe #LoveNote #JayHasNotes #UseNow #SaveForLater

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Affirm Yourself.

According to an Oxford Academic journal, Self-affirmation theory posits that people are motivated to maintain a positive self-view and that threats to perceived self-competence are met with resistance. When threatened, self-affirmations can restore self-competence by allowing individuals to reflect on sources of self-worth, such as core values.

One account of why self-affirmations are successful is attributed to their ability to broaden a person’s overall perspective and reduce the effect of negative emotions. For example, researchers have suggested that self-affirmations remind individuals of psychosocial resources that extend beyond a specific threat, which allows them to focus on sources of positive self-worth that transcends the threat. This in turn is thought to reduce reactivity to the threat and protect overall psychological wellbeing. So, say this shit with your mind and heart. #Affirmations #SelfAffirmations #SelfWorth #LoveNote #JayHasNotes

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Rise or run. 🤷🏾‍♂️ The choice is yours, love.

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Texas Winter Storm

Flip that motherf*ucker over! I could be talking about the wheelchair Or I could be talking about turning the state blue. 🤷🏾‍♂️ #Texas #WinterStorm #Vote #BlueState #gregabbott #hotwheels #tedcruz

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Hot Wheels

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Happy Side Piece Day

Feb. 15th - International Side Piece Day

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Happy Side Piece Day

Feb. 15th - International Side Piece Day - The Side Piece deserves more than 50% off chocolates and withered roses. They deserve love too with their raggedy selves. 😘 #Feb15th #SidePieceDay #SidePiece

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Happy President’s Day!

President’s Day 2021


Happy Fucking Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day 2021 - Say it back. ❤️🖤❤️🖤 #Vday

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Happy Fucking Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day 2021

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From Los Angeles, with love

Love Note